The Mallard Duck – Lacha

The Mallard Duck – Lacha

The Mallard Duck – Wildlife Wednesdays. Our weekly dive into our beautiful Irish wildlife – This week is the Mallard Duck – The Lacha Ah the Mallard Duck or Lacha, a firm favourite with everybody. This series will help your family reconnect with Ireland’s unique...

Reflection, Yes, Maybe…

Reflection. It’s good to take time and reflect. Reflect on changes that have occurred, reflect on successes, reflect on possible missed opportunities, reflect on life in general. It’s only be taking the time to reflect that you can center yourself and...

The Johnny Magory “Fiver” Challenge

As I’m sure is the case in most families, January is the ‘money’s tight’ month! It’s also one of the only months of the year that’ll you’ll spend most of it indoors. And of course everybody knows that worrying over money and...